Monday, March 30, 2009

The Return of Vintage

I am starting to finally come into my own a little, I think. I am no longer afraid of the sewing machine, in fact I can even figure out how to fix it most days! I have a box full of Lucy wraps to sell! Yay!!!! I am working with doing matching aprons for each of the lucy wrap styles, ugh what a lot of work!!! The days seem to fly by and sometimes I ask myself, where do all the hours in a day go?

My daughter seems to think that I am her personal seamstress, even though she wears a full uniform to school it seems that she goes through way to many outfits in a day.

I made my favorite spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread for dinner, YUMM! My SO (significant other), really likes it, although I think he loves the meatball sandwiches the next day the best. I find it hard to really decide if I like sewing or cooking better? It would be a hard choice and it also depends a lot on the weather and time of day and if I can find my glasses.

If any of you have any advice on starting this craft-at-home business and selling on Etsy, please fill me in. I think I have done my research and started getting a little arsenal together, but who really knows if I am completely ready! My SO sells a few things on Ebay but I have never done anything like this before and am so nervous. Following blogs and reading books completely different then doing it yourself. So advice NEEDED, Please!

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Apron Styles!

I love, love, love Lucille Ball! Hence the Lucy Wraps! I decided to use a decorative stitch on this apron and I love it! My husband questions the polka dots with stripes but I love it! The cute model is Stephanie (not me, we just share a great name)! I am selling on Etsy under craftgirlly if interested. I also list locally on and For everyone that does not know what a Lucy wrap is, simply put it's a lovely headband like piece that keeps your hair out of your face and can also pull it up off your neck if you want! I try and make them to match aprons so that I feel fashionable when I clean and organize! I also have an 8 year old daughter who likes to help clean and organize if she gets to feel girly and cute when she is doing it!