Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here are the adorable pictures of our girls wearing t-shirts crafted by the craftgirlly's. There are more to come and alot more products! check us out at

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What's up Doc?

Well it has been a tough couple of weeks...going through a complete cleanse of body, mind and soul. I do not talk about family very often but those that do know me, know that my mother is no longer with me. I have been trying to cleanse her out of my body. I have gained quite a bit of weight that I have blamed on a back injury, but alas I cannot any longer.

When I became a mother I realized that my childhood was completely strange and abusive. I really did not have any other "family" to gauge the way my family went. My mother who was married and divorced 5 times was a little different to say the least. I have finally come to terms with my childhood and finding out I have a wonderful sister at 29 has definitely helped! Have you ever met someone (other than a spouse) that thinks like you, words things like you, has the same toes that you have? Well I have not and it has been a wonderful 5 years in November that we have been able to laugh together and cry together and hopefully I have been as much of a help to her as she has to me!

So, that is what I have been working on. I have put the crafts, sewing, cooking and everything else except the girl and honey bunny away for around a month and have worked on me. I have needed a lot of work!

But now on to crafting, sorry for the serious tone, but that is what I believe makes us human!

I did the Bountiful farmer's Market for one week and found that it was not worth all the extra sewing, setting up and $10 to be a part of it! But oh well, ETSY here I stay! I don't know if other crafters have the feelings of doubt that I sometimes have. I look at an apron or curtain or just something that I have made and think I totally love it but why on earth would anyone else like it? Then the girl who is almost 9 comes in and says "Oh Mommy, I love it, can I have it? Will you make me one then in another color?" So I think maybe this will sell.

I am working on a new endeavor! I cater small parties and events quite often, and some of the ladies at these events have asked if I have a cookbook available. Well here it comes I am writing a cookbook! I use really simple ingredients and try to make them into something great and appealing to the eye. I learned how to cook mostly from my Grandma who I miss on a daily basis. She cooked for 40 or so ranch hands, breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can imagine what a great lesson this was for me my entire childhood. My Grandma Lola was the one constant and greatest family member I ever had. So I am putting some of my spins on Grandma's ole' good ones! And also if you hang around enough you will know that I dream recipes. Literally dream of recipes and food. I don't remember when this started but has been going on for some time now! I think Honey Bunny brings out the creativity in me and apparently the food dreams!

I have to get some work done on this "book" , I am including some pictures and stories of where the recipe came from so that maybe people will not think of me as quite so weird when they find out that I dream of food and recipes of things that I have never tried before and do not know how to make at all! The first batch is usually not the best but the fam will usually suffer through it for my sake and then give great feedback and improvement ideas. Not that they complain at all about all the yummy homemade food!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What was I thinking?!?!?!?!?

Okay it has been a while and I am truly sorry....I am actually going to sell some things at the Bountiful Farmers Market, my first time with the whole craft stuff!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Sorry it has been so long but moving totally stinks!!! Getting the new sewing room back together, but not fast enough!!! I wish there were a magical fairy that would come and set everything up just the way I want it....for those of you looking for stock tips, have I got one for you! I think that I have spent a few months pay there in the past month, while getting settled. We are finally grown-ups with our furniture picks! It has taken so long and alot of "talking" about different styles and colors but we finally have gotten it together and will post pictures later this week! The new house although smaller than the last it is so much more convenient and feels like a real home! Lucy the puppy dog has also finally gotten used to things as well!

The boy has really loved his job at one of the local refinery's. He is glad the moving is done, but knows that there is so much more to do. Luckily he has not been to bad about putting all the new furniture together. It gets easier when The Girl has something else to do, she loves to "help"!

The neighbors are great very nice! The girl does love the little boy next door, although she sometimes gets some hurt feelings but what child doesn't? I am hoping when school starts again she will have more to do and won't feel quite so sheltered...and hopefully she will make more friends and have more to do. The girl does need something to do!! Clenaing and unpacking is so boring for her. She gets bored so easily. We did buy her a guitar when we went to Sydney, Nebraska to visit my sister. It is pink and very girly! She is writing songs and learning her keys!

Speaking of my sister, the girl and I went to nebraska to see her and my favorite Bro-in-law and the best neice and nephews ever! The girl and I had a blast. Although I got a really bad sunburn the first day...The girl caught her first fish and loved playing with her cousins!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Return of Vintage

I am starting to finally come into my own a little, I think. I am no longer afraid of the sewing machine, in fact I can even figure out how to fix it most days! I have a box full of Lucy wraps to sell! Yay!!!! I am working with doing matching aprons for each of the lucy wrap styles, ugh what a lot of work!!! The days seem to fly by and sometimes I ask myself, where do all the hours in a day go?

My daughter seems to think that I am her personal seamstress, even though she wears a full uniform to school it seems that she goes through way to many outfits in a day.

I made my favorite spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread for dinner, YUMM! My SO (significant other), really likes it, although I think he loves the meatball sandwiches the next day the best. I find it hard to really decide if I like sewing or cooking better? It would be a hard choice and it also depends a lot on the weather and time of day and if I can find my glasses.

If any of you have any advice on starting this craft-at-home business and selling on Etsy, please fill me in. I think I have done my research and started getting a little arsenal together, but who really knows if I am completely ready! My SO sells a few things on Ebay but I have never done anything like this before and am so nervous. Following blogs and reading books completely different then doing it yourself. So advice NEEDED, Please!

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Apron Styles!

I love, love, love Lucille Ball! Hence the Lucy Wraps! I decided to use a decorative stitch on this apron and I love it! My husband questions the polka dots with stripes but I love it! The cute model is Stephanie (not me, we just share a great name)! I am selling on Etsy under craftgirlly if interested. I also list locally on and For everyone that does not know what a Lucy wrap is, simply put it's a lovely headband like piece that keeps your hair out of your face and can also pull it up off your neck if you want! I try and make them to match aprons so that I feel fashionable when I clean and organize! I also have an 8 year old daughter who likes to help clean and organize if she gets to feel girly and cute when she is doing it!